Past Life Regression
Past life regression is based on the belief in reincarnation and that we have been here on Earth many times. Sometimes as a male and sometimes as female. Using hypnotherapeutic techniques, you/the client can be taken back to look at your own past life memories, learn from them so that you are able to live your life differently in current life.
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- Discussion with Nicola about how it works
- Decision about whether to go to a specific type of past life or just one that is in highest good to access
- Having questions answered so that you feel confident to do the regression
- The induction into a physically relaxed state, with an alert mind
- The guidance to access the past life memories – this maybe seeing them, hearing answers when asked questions, feeling what you felt, knowing what happened, sensing what was going on or a mixture of these. Occasionally even smelling what you would have smelt.
- Finding out what happened at the point in time where you have gone back to.
- Finding out what happened at the point in time where you have gone back to
- Learning from what happened
- Cleaning up, resolving, healing what happened – eg apologising, forgiving or revoking
- Rewriting the lifetime with a different/better/highest good outcome
- Returning to present day
- Coming out of the relaxed state
- Sharing with Nicola, having any other questions answered
- Living a changed life due to the past life regression
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I woke up one morning with a splitting headache. I suffered for two days, refusing to take painkillers. I tried crystals but they didn’t help. And in despair, I rang my therapist Nicola. She believed that the headache was caused by past lives. She did a regression session over the phone and helped me heal four past lives. The intense pain subsided immediately and the headaches completely went two days later (Female client in her thirties)
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I came up with a strange rash on my face. It persisted for three weeks and started to spread. I tried to see a doctor but mentioned it to Nicola during a therapy session. The next week when I saw Nicola, she took me back to the root cause which was to my surprise in a past life. We healed the past life and now a week later, my skin is nearly back to normal (Female client in her twenties)
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